What is Zamzar?
Zamzar is a site dedicated to helping you transform your songs, videos, images and documents into different formats. According to their website, their mission is:

"To provide high quality file conversionfor as many file formats as possible"

Zamzar offers you a solution for your file conversion needs. If you need to put a file in a format that will work for you, Zamzar is a good thing to try.

You can upload your chosen video to zamzar.com and if it isn't more than 2 minutes long, you will get it sent to you via email. It takes a little time to use the free service, so plan ahead. You can usually plan on getting your converted file in a couple of hours.
  1. Click on the tab that says "download videos"
  2. Put in the URL of the YouTube video
  3. Choose wmv format
  4. Put in your email
  5. Zamzar will return your converted file by email
Choose a video from YouTube and change it to a .wmv format.